June 13, 1891
Mrs. Vie. Mallory, of Nunda, visited Mrs. C.M. Vermilya, Monday and Tuesday.
Mr. John Schroeder's team was frightened by a passing train Tuesday and ran away. They were stopped by a farmer about a mile out of town; fortunately there was no damage done.
Mr. Robert Nightengale left here Sunday evening on his way to England. He left New York Wednesday morning.
Remember the J.C. Magill & Co. real estate sale at Park Ridge to-day (Saturday, June 13th.) See advertisement in another column.
Mr. Thos. Freeman, who had intended making the trip to England in company with Robert Nightengale was taken sick Saturday and was unable to go. He is much better at present writing.
Henry Reese, of Chicago, visited his parents here Sunday.
Mrs. Chas. Heimerdinger and sons, Charles and Walter, returned to their home at Vulcan, Mich., last Saturday.
Fred Drye has purchased Fred Gerber's residence, including nearly three acres of land, consideration $1800.
Mr. Chas. Davlin, assessor for the town of Cuba, was here finishing up his work during the past week.
Hawley Brothers sold a span of pacers to Milwaukee parties this week for $1800.
Born -- to Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Meyer, a girl.
Mrs. Pedley, of Waukegan, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.J. Hollister, last Sunday.
Mr. Jos. Zorno's new house is near completion.
List of unclaimed letters remaining in the Barrington post office, June 1, 1891: M.K. Clinebell, Miss Jennie Mar Donold, 2, Mr. Willie Prehm.
Mr. S.B. Church is building an addition to his farm house. O.E. Maynard is doing the work.
Miss S. Pettis of Elgin, visited her parents recently.
Mr. Christ Rieske is making preparations to build an addition to his house.
Mr. Chas. Humprey who is in the milk business in Chicago visited his parents last Sunday.
Tramps broke in the school house in District No. 8 Sunday night.
Died, Wednesday, June 10th, 1891. Mrs. C. Dickinson, age 55 years. The funeral took place at 10 o'clock Thursday. Rev. R. Congdo of Nunda officiating. The remains were interred in the Barrington Cemetery. Her death was rather sudden being sick only since last Friday. She has made Barrington her home for several years past, and will be much missed in the community.
Mrs. Geo. Dickenson and children of Nunda were here last week.
Frank Domire is at home from school. He has been attending school at Jacksonville.
M.E. Bennett of ChiCago was here on business last Thursday.
Rev. Huelster has been visiting here during the past week.
There will be children''s day services at the M.E. church Sunday morning.
Misses Lydia and Mamie Whitney who have been very sick are recovering under the treatment of Dr. Filkins.
Mr. Fred Brasel and Miss MInnie Brasel visited at Avondale Monday.
Pearl Cowden is working at Geo. Waterman's.
Charlie Hutchinson met with an accident last week while fooling with a small rifle, he was shot in the foot, but is getting along nicely.
We are glad to make note of the fact that Dr. C.H. Kendall who has been laid up with a sprained ankle is about to be around again.
It is with regret that we look over our large list of subscribers and see how few business men we have on it. What is the matter with the business men of Barrington? Can't they afford $1.00 a year to help support a home paper, or would the rather give it to a paper which another town has the whole benefit of?
There was a Missionary Concert at the German Evangelical church Tuesday evening.
Do not lend your paper, let your neighbor subscribe for it the same as you do.
A few of our business men have adopted the monthly statement to inform their customers how their account stands at the end of each month. If this is followed up it cannot help but prove great help to the customer as well as the merchant. It gives a chance for correction of any mistake while the purchases are fresh in the customer's memory.
Sign the petition for new cross walks over the rail-road track.
The following is the program for the children's day service at the M.E. church Sunday morning June 14th.
Singing by the school; Prayer; Scripture reading; Song by little ones "We come, we come"; Recitation "Welcome" Flora Nelson; Recitation, "For even a child of ten." Bessie Decker; Recitation, "Farmer Grub and Teddy Grey." May LInes; Recitation. Clara Genorous; Song by school; Recitation, "Lillie Monument." Myrtle Runyan; Recitation, "Unfinished Work." Lillie Harrower; Song, Carrie Meyer and Bessie Decker; Recitation, "Inasmuch" Bertha Seebert; Solo, Anna Krahn. Remarks by pastor; Collection; Song by school.
Village Board met in regular session at Village Hall, Wednesday Eve. June 3rd. Clark in the chair, Trustees Collen, Sandman, Abbott, and Robertson, present. The election of May 26th was canvassed and on motion the reort of judges and clerks of said election and C.H. Lines was declared duly elected.
On motion, M.T. Lamey was elected Clerk pro term.
The following bills were allowed and ordered paid:
Fred Meyer, overtax $2.20
Aug. Bohm " 1.40
Aug. Krueger, " 5.00
John Jahnke, Gravel and Scraping 43.75
Star M'f'g. Co., Sharpening Scraper 4.80
John C. Meyer, Salary 33.33
H. Lageschulte 2.70
Earnest Reike, Scraping 7.00
The appropriation for the ensuing year was as follows:
Lamp fund, $200 Salary Fund, $650 Street fund, 1009 Contingent Fund, 150.
Motion made and carried, that one carload of stone be purchased for cross walks.
A motion was made that a special tax of $2000 be levied. The ayes and noes being called in ayes, five; noes, none.
The clerk was instructed to serve notice on the following parties to rebuild side walks: Fred Brommelkamp, H.M. Crabtree. Gustave Meyer and Reynold's Estate. On motion, Board adjourned until first Wednesday of July.